Sketch of Animals

For this project designed for the French brand Hermès, we have been directly inspired by Pablo Picasso’s abstract paintings and sculptures. Sketches of Animals is a collection of window displays, constructed in cherry wood, which highlight the value of Hermès products by using them to bring life to the different animals. A printed plate is then turned into the eye of a fish, cushions become the scales and a crystal glass the extremity of its antenna. To carry out several windows by creating different compositions on the annual theme "Metamorphosis" the workshop was intended, while respecting codes and the universe to own Hermes. Pieces made of oak and chestnut. 20 wooden animals (horses, bears, birds, crabs, fish….). Over 2km cleats abutted. More than 1.5 tons of wood.

This playful and narrative project has been designed for the stores in Zürich, Geneva and Rossier CDG Paris on the occasion of the Fall/ Winter 2014 collections

Hermes / Rue du Rhône 39 / CH-1204 Geneva

Photo by Axel Crettenand